Tadukooverse Wiki

Part of the TadukooCraft Era.

Tadukooverse (Updates Number)[]

The update numbering system will be changed again. It will still only display in the syntax of "Tadukooverse V.#", but it will have smaller sub-versions so the syntax is "Tadukooverse #.#.#.#" now.

The updates now can be shown at a much smaller decimal place to show they are less important. The last decimal point is for updates that are made that don't affect much on the server, the second to last is then things that affect the server a little bit, and the second is for mainly plugin updates.

Tadukooverse (1-4-7)[]

This update is only here because the 20.0 update was supposed to include this but didn't. The update is to Minecraft 1.4.7.

Tadukooverse (Longer Coaster)[]

The Roller Coaster world got its Cave Expansion.

Tadukooverse (1-5-1 Soon!)[]

Tadukooverse will be 1.5.1 when it comes back, unless it's down until 1.6 comes out, which I doubt.

Tadukooverse 20.1 (Cenotaph Fading)[]

Cenotaph was removed.

Tadukooverse (1.5.2 Soon!)[]

This probably should've been announced sooner, but Tadukooverse will be re-opened as 1.5.2 soon. Check the Tadukooverse page for more info.

Tadukooverse 20.2 (Minecal No Longer)[]

Minecal has been removed from the server.

Tadukooverse 20.3 (Multiverse Signs Gone!)[]

Multiverse-SignPortals has been removed.

Tadukooverse 20.4 (SignLift is no more!)[]

SignLift has been removed.

Tadukooverse 20.5 (SimpleAutoAnnounce Gone!)[]

SimpleAutoAnnounce has been removed.

Tadukooverse 20.5.1 (Converting Bookworm!)[]

BookWormConverter has been added temporarily to convert the Bookworm books into normal books.

Tadukooverse 20.6 (SkylandsPlus+ is removed!)[]

SkylandsPlus+ has been removed.

Tadukooverse 20.7 (Vanilla Gone!)[]

Vanilla has been removed.

Tadukooverse 20.8 (No xAuth!)[]

xAuth has been removed.

Tadukooverse 20.9 (Bookworm Removed!)[]

Bookworm has been removed.

Tadukooverse 21.0 (Citizens Gone!)[]

Citizens has been removed.

Tadukooverse Updates