Tadukooverse Wiki

All the updates from Tadukoo for the TadukooCraft Era in March 2013.

Day 23

2:54 PM EST

Unfortunately the server still isn't up, which is why the Renaissance Era was renamed the TadukooCraft Era or Third Darkness Era. I actually haven't worked on TadukooCraft very much, so I will probably end up going back to bukkit soon and run my server that way for a while (hopefully). If not, then I don't know. But for now, I'll be editing the wiki a lot to add information that has been missing for quite a while.

Day 28

9:11 PM EST

The Tadukooverse History will now be on one page and in tables rather than spread out the way it currently is. Also I will be making Youtube videos soon, so my channel's link on the main page of the wiki finally has a purpose :)
